Zarna Joshi: Colonization and Animals

Zarna Joshi speaks at a Intersectional Justice Conference at the Whidbey Institute in Clinton, WA

She is best known as the woman who screamed at Hugh Mongous.

Rudolph McCoy-Pantoja Jr. is an American perennial political candidate and resident of Seattle, Washington.

He became an internet meme due to a 2016 viral video of him jokingly identifying as “Hugh Mungus”.

On August 10, 2016, Pantoja spoke at a public meeting of the Seattle City Council, supporting a new police station in the North Precinct and crediting the police with helping his heroin-addicted daughter to get treatment.

Black Lives Matter activists were present demonstrating against the police expansion, and were recorded off-camera speaking out of turn and deriding Pantoja as he spoke and mistakenly assumed his race to be white.

Pantoja is Chicano.

At the meeting, activist Zarna Joshi spoke against the new police station and police in general.

After the meeting, she was videotaping Pantoja when he was asked his name.

When Pantoja offered the gag name “Hugh Mungus”, Joshi responded by angrily and repeatedly asking “Humongous what?”, accusing him of sexual harassment, pursuing him with her camera, and ultimately ending up in an altercation with the authorities present.

By Video Archivist Brian Harrod